
Supplier Code of Conduct

As ARMTEK, we adopt a behavior that respects people, society and the environment within the framework of ethical and respectful principles, and we believe that we can reach our goals more quickly if our stakeholders adopt this behavior.

In the Supplier Code of Conduct; vendors, consultants, representatives and other providers of goods and services and their sub-suppliers are referred to as “Suppliers * ”.

ARMTEK Supplier Code of Conduct defines the ethical rules, legal compliance, combating corruption, employee conditions, occupational health and safety, environmental and information security issues that we expect our suppliers and sub-suppliers and all their employees to comply with in their commercial relations with ARMTEK, and expects our suppliers to make efforts to comply with these issues with best practices, to inform all employees of these conditions and to monitor compliance.

The principles in question are an inseparable and complementary part of the contracts made between suppliers and ARMTEK. Acceptance of these principles is a prerequisite for supply contracts made with ARMTEK and orders to be placed. In this context, suppliers undertake that all their activities they have carried out and will carry out are in compliance with the principles, legal conditions and standards included in this document. ARMTEK may conduct announced or unannounced audits to verify the compliance of suppliers who make this commitment.



 We do not work with suppliers who have unfairly created commercial disputes with ARMTEK and other group companies affiliated with Koloğlu Holding, who  have avoided making a contract, who have gone bankrupt, who are in forced liquidation, whose business is being carried out by the court, who have declared composition, who have suspended their business or are in a similar situation according to the provisions of the legislation in their own country, who have been convicted by a court decision due to their professional activities, who have been banned from professional activities by the chamber they are registered to due to the relevant legislation, and who have been proven to have engaged in activities contrary to business or professional ethics during their previous work for ARMTEK.


ARMTEK Supplier Code of Conduct

  1. Compliance with Laws

ARMTEK suppliers are aware of and comply with national and international laws and other legal requirements related to themselves and their work. In addition, suppliers fulfill special conditions requested by ARMTEK in line with these laws and other legal requirements.

  • Human Rights - Prohibition of Child Labor

Suppliers do not employ child labor and comply with working age restrictions set by national law or legislation and International Labor Organization (ILO) standards.

  • Prohibition of Forced Labor

Suppliers' decisions regarding employment are based on the will of the individual, and no form of forced or compulsory labor is used.

  • Prohibition of Discrimination

Suppliers do not discriminate against their employees in any way (religion, language, race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc.) and do not tolerate any form of harassment. They take precautions to prevent such behaviors from occurring by employees and apply the necessary sanctions if they do occur.

  • Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining

Suppliers respect the rights of employees regarding freedom of association (to form and/or join a union), freedom of association and collective bargaining.

  • Fair Wages and Working Hours

Suppliers are required to pay their employees the minimum wage specified by law and determine their salaries and fringe benefits within their own policies. They comply with all national and international legal requirements determined for their field of activity regarding working hours and weekly holidays.

  1. Respect for Employees and Gender Equality

By paying attention to gender equality in all its activities, it develops practices to support all its employees in business life by considering them equally and encourages the adoption of these practices. Suppliers treat their employees respectfully and do not tolerate any contrary situation in the work environment.

  • Preventing Harassment

Suppliers are responsible for providing their employees with a working environment that is free from mental, physical, sexual or other forms of harassment and abuse.

  1. Fighting Bribery and Corruption

Suppliers do not give or accept bribes or gifts. They do not tolerate unethical behavior or engage in corruption, and take the necessary measures and apply sanctions to combat these issues.

  1. Fair Competition and Avoidance of Conflict of Interest

It avoids conflicts of interest and/or any activity that may be perceived as a conflict of interest, with fair competition supported by all suppliers. It avoids any behavior that would prevent fair competition and cause a conflict of interest, and does not tolerate such situations.

  1. Accuracy and Sharing of Records

Suppliers shall keep records in a way that reflects the truth, accurately and on time, in all activities carried out for ARMTEK, submit them when requested and keep their records in accordance with legal requirements.

  1. Information security

Suppliers are obliged to keep all information belonging to ARMTEK and to which they have access, including trade secrets, know-how and all other data concerning ARMTEK, confidential.

  1. Occupational health and Safety

Suppliers take all precautions in terms of occupational health and safety, provide their employees with a safe, secure and healthy working environment that complies with universal values ​​and provide all necessary training, equipment and hardware to their employees in this context, and provide the necessary facilities to identify and minimize health and safety risks and prevent preventable situations such as work accidents and occupational diseases. Situations such as the products supplied containing prohibited materials and not submitting the MSDS (material safety data sheet) affect supplier performance evaluations.

  1. Environment

Suppliers carry out their activities in accordance with all national and international environmental regulations and set the goal of protecting the environment. They evaluate the environmental impacts of their work and decisions, protect energy and natural resources and use them efficiently, minimize their waste, take the necessary measures for continuous control of waste, emissions and discharges arising from their products and services, and prevent environmental pollution by minimizing them. They undertake to provide their products and services within the framework of sustainability. Situations such as the prohibited material contained in the supplied products and failure to submit the MSDS (material safety data sheet) affect supplier performance evaluations.

  1. Reporting Violations

Suppliers are provided with channels through which they can report any non-compliance with laws, ethical principles and other requirements without fear of being subject to any sanctions. Suppliers must report to ARMTEK any findings of violations of laws, regulations, other requirements and Principles determined and/or notified to them.


You can access the communication channels for reporting violations to ARMTEK  from the Communications  tab.